Final Paper Submission
Final Paper
Please submit the files including your camera-ready paper and copyright form using your EasyChair author account. Follow the instructions after the login for uploading two files: (a) either a zipped file containing all your LaTeX sources or a Word file in the RTF format, and (b) PDF version of your camera-ready paper. The page limit is strict. Please follow strictly the author instructions of Springer-Verlag when preparing the final version. Springer required this conference to list the email address of all authors. Please make sure to list the email boxs of all authors to avoid future revision and delay.We encourage the inclusion of ORCIDs in the publication. For more information see here.
Our publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated.
Copyright Form
Please upload a signed and completed copyright form to us as soon as possible. The Springer copyright forms can be found at HERE. Please refer to the following picture to fill out the first page of the form.
One of the authors must sign the form on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, having gained their permission to do so. He or she signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors. The corresponding author must be available to check the paper before it is published. Please note that once a paper has been delivered to Springer, changes relating to the authorship of the paper cannot be made. Authors' names cannot be added or deleted, their order cannot be changed, and the corresponding author cannot be altered. You should scan the form into PDF or any other standard image format. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in these matters. Thank you again for your contribution to KSEM 2023.
Volume Editor: Zhi Jin, Yuncheng Jiang, Robert Buchmann, Yaxin Bi, Ana-Maria Ghiran, Wenjun Ma.
Registration Fees
Category | Early registration (until June 18, 2023, AoE) |
Late registration (after June 18, 2023, AoE) |
Full Registration (for standard) | USD 700/CNY 5000 | USD 900/CNY 6400 |
Full Registration (for student) | USD 600/CNY 4300 | USD 700/CNY 5000 |
- The student rate is USD 600/CNY 4300 and the standard rate is USD 700/CNY 5000. If you have more than one accepted paper, you have to register for each one individually. There is no discount if you have two or more papers accepted. It is encouraged to have your co-authors to register and attend the conferences as attendees. However, one registration fee only covers one person.
- Any registration after June 18, 2023 will incur a late fee of USD 100/CNY 700 for student registration and USD 200/CNY 1400 for standard registration.
- Extra Page Fee: For regular paper, each extra page in excess of 12 pages costs USD 150/CNY 1100, and the max length of regular paper is 16 pages. For short paper, each extra page in excess of 8 pages costs USD 150/CNY 1100, and the max length of short paper is 10 pages. Counting the cost of the over length charge uses the camera-ready version.
We greatly welcome guests from around the world to attend this conference. But before that, you’ll need to pay the registration fee. Click here for guest (non-author) registration.
Policy of Registration
All accepted regular papers/short papers will be published in KSEM 2023 proceedings. High quality accepted papers are possible to be recommended to related special issues of prestigious international journals.- Each accepted paper requires at least one Full registration (student rate or standard rate) as an author, before June 18, 2023. Papers not registered will not be included in the proceedings.
- Once you submit a paper, including regular paper and short paper, it implies that at least one author will register and attend the conference, and present the paper.
- Please upload the camera-ready paper, including source file and PDF file, and the copyright form to Easychair before June 11, 2023. (STRICT DEADLINE).
Cancellation Policy
All the registrations for published papers in the Proceedings cannot be cancelled. Fees cannot be refunded for registrations.
Click here for online registration (Author Registration)
Registration Payment
Payment in USD:
Account Number: 3602 0081 0900 0386 071
Account Name: South China Normal University
Account Bank: The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Gaoxin Branch, Guangzhou City
1. Remember to mark down "KSEM + Paper ID", for example, "KSEM ID999" to pointed bank account. Unclear transactions are not acceptable.
2. Please make sure that your payment should include both the registration fee and any additional page fee in its exact amount, excluding any wiring charges by your bank.
3. When you have made your payment, please click here for online registration (Author Registration).
4. Please click here to submit the invoice information, and we will provide.
账号:3602 0081 0900 0386 071
1. 转账时请备注:KSEM+paper ID(例如,KSEM ID999 )。
2. 请确保您的付款应包括注册费、额外的页面费(如有)和转账手续费(如有)。
3. 当您缴费完毕后, 请点击这里用于在线注册(作者注册).
4. 请点击这里提交发票信息,后续我们将提供发票。